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Choosing Hand Engraving or Laser Engraving in 2020

23 Jun 2020

Choosing a type of engraving for your personalised gift can be hard when you are unsure of the difference, here at CustomKings we offer a wide selection of personalisation styles from Embroidery to Laser Engraving. When it comes to the later you may be asking what is laser engraving?

Laser Engraving

Laser engraving is done using a computer and a laser cutter to provide a high quality finishing touch to an item. Often using TrueType fonts to allow a wide selection to make your gift a style you are comfortable with and allows for graphics to be used. Often used when a design is required on multiple items and a uniform finish is required.

Laser Engraving can sometimes become non-personal if it’s the same font or design that has been used multiple times, the avoidance to help with this is by creating something fresh and new with our team of graphic designers.

With a speedy turnaround, Laser Engraving offers a fast finished product that removes a depth that feels pleasant to touch.

Hand Engraving

Years of practice and fine detail are involved when our Hand Engraving team finally complete their course of providing a unique skill they use the 2 styles provided to complete each item in a personalised finish. Due to the nature of Hand Engraving small details are more noticeable, such as the turning of the tool.

Hand Engraving offers a deep finish compared to Laser Engraving and a truly personal finish as each piece is similar to handwriting (Each piece has slight differences in letters, spacing and size).

We often recommend Hand Engraving to only be used on smaller items as this allows for the noticeable strokes to blend more with the lettering.

Hand Engraving also offers the ability to engrave on the internal of items like rings and bangles due to the flexibility of the engravers mounting piece. Laser engraving is limited to the outside of items due to the mounting piece the machines use.

The Winner

Each type of Engraving we offer has it’s pros and cons and is suited to different items. For our most popular items, we recommend Laser Engraving due to it’s fast turn around. However, for a more personalised touch on smaller items, we recommend our Hand Engraving.

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