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Laser Engraved Gift Items

07 Nov 2018

Messages or designs engraved on glass items have always fascinated me. Who wouldn’t be? They’re far more elegant and classy than painted-on designs. The process would intrigue anyone as they’re done on a variety of media – anywhere from wine glasses to shop windows.

There’s a variety of techniques used in glass engraving. There’s point engraving, drill engraving and sandblasting to name a few. These techniques require physical pressure on the glass item. This is the reason why laser engraving has become the preferred method for glass engraving.

Laser Engraving

Glass is both delicate and strong, properties that a glass engraver needs to understand. When working with glass, a glass-engraving machine needs to have the capability to work with delicate, breakable materials but have the power to create marks on the glass’ hard and smooth surface.

Laser engraving does not require direct pressure on the object from the etching device. Instead, a fine laser beam vaporizes or melts the surface of the glass. Hence, the process minimizes breakages or spoilages compared to the other techniques. Further, laser engraving is computer-directed so less mistakes are made and can be replicated a hundred-fold and come out with a perfectly engraved design each time!

What can you laser engrave?

Personalised birthday modern decanter set
Laser engraved gift items - CustomKings

As long as you can imagine it, you can laser engrave it. Custom Kings has a wide variety of engravable glass items – wine glasses, coffee mugs, beer steins, shot glasses, champagne flutes. High-quality graphics, logos, or text can be engraved on any of these glass items.

Corporate logo 750ml drink bottle
Corporate logo 750ml drink bottle

Contact Custom Kings today for your laser engraving needs.

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