CustomKings Artwork Proofs – What are they?
CustomKings prides ourselves on our extensive experience that allows us to keep our prices as low as possible for all customers, however we understand there may be times that you wish to preview the item with your personalisation and make changes prior to production. By offering a paid artwork proof option to these customers, we ensure everyone gets fair value.
A paid artwork proof means you will receive a PDF with a mock-up of the item you have ordered with the personalisation requested within 2 business days of placing your order. CustomKings’ artwork proof service allows you to make up to 3 revisions prior to production.
Not all our products offer the option for an artwork proof, this is due to the item not having a large range of customisation, e.g. a pen with only 1 line of text where the text preview shows the font. It would be unethical for CustomKings to charge an artwork proof fee for this option.
The artwork proof is supplied to our customers via the same email address given at the time of checkout, so ensure to check this email often (including the junk/spam folder). If you have not received the artwork proof within 2 business days, please email to follow up.
An artwork proof does not include recreating logos, drawing of new characters or symbols, creating entire designs or creating an outline version of an image.
What is a Revision?
A revision refers to a new PDF supplied with changes requested by the customer. E.g. you wish to have the text made larger, the text moved or a font change (if requested at the same time this will be included in 1 revision). Each revision will be supplied in a separate email to the same email the first artwork proof pdf was sent to.
What should you check when you receive your artwork proof?
Each artwork proof will include a photo of the item you have ordered with the personalisation clearly visible. It is important to check each artwork proof for any error (including grammar and spelling), we generally recommend a second person also check the artwork proof.
- Is the text easy to read?
- Is the placement of the personalisation correct?
- The spelling and grammar are correct
- If their is a graphic, is it the correct size?
Once you have approved the proof we will create your items.
To keep our prices as low as possible, when ordering an artwork proof you agree to reply to our first artwork proof email within 5 Business Days, sadly if we don’t hear from you, the order will be cancelled and refunded inline with our refund policy found by clicking here. Our team will attempt to reach you via SMS 2 days after the first artwork proof is sent if we have not received a reply, this SMS will be sent to the same number given at the time of checkout.